I went to watch the Spiderman 3 movie this weekend... twice in fact! Yup, I am a nerd and I know it! Once on Friday with my best mate Gary and Michelle, then again on Sunday with my family.
The movie was good, but didn't have as much depth as the first two. The 3 villains featured in this movie were the Sandman, Venom and the New Green Goblin (or as Spidey put it.."baby goblin")! There was a really nice surprise twist at the end that was great, but other than that, it was a pretty standard sci-fi movie with plenty of CGI!
Anyway, sitting in the movie the second time round at the Monte Casino cinema was a bit challenging, considering I sat next to a pair of Afrikaans guys who could just not shut up during the movie! I've even gone as far as to call them, "Beavis and Butthead" as their constant remarks and mannerism reminded me of those 90's cartoon characters from the USA that probably had us all mimic their hideous giggle (....he..he..he..snort..snort..snort) .
The one guy had his sandles off most of the time and was waving his bare feet about very closely to my knee at times. Not only that, his constant remarks (in Afrikaans) would push that movie's age restriction up to a SVNL 21 category! It was most annoying! (p.s. SVNL stands for "Sex, Violence, Nudity, Language" - The things one picks up when we're kids)!
Sometimes, after a stupid comment, I would deliberately turn my head 90 degrees at him and give him a greasy eye-balled look in the dark. It must've work cause he would then shut up for a few minutes. Not enough for the whole movie unfortunately. By my 12th head-turn, I was starting to feel the effects similar to whip-lash in my neck, so I resorted to the occasional disapproving head-shake and rolling eyes. I hope he noticed this.
Anyway, after enduring 2 hrs and 30 minutes of B&B's comments, the movie eventually finished.
I can't say much other than I'm grateful I saw the movie once before on the Friday because I probably spend more time being annoyed with Beavis and Butthead and listening to their comments rather than pay attention to the movie the second time round.
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